Is a resource to help with the toughest cases—those children or teens who are involved in multiple public systems, whose families have tried many options and are still struggling.
What is Service Coordination?
Service Coordination offers families of children with multiple needs the opportunity to bring providers together at the same table in a coordinated manner to support and wrap services around the family, enabling youth to thrive in their home and school environment.
What is the purpose of Service Coordination?
To prevent children or teens who are involved in multiple public systems, and their families, from falling through the cracks due to intake, eligibility, or funding barriers.
How Service Coordination Works
In Washington County, Service Coordination is a family-driven process designed to bring services and supports to children and families in a manner that includes family participation at every level. Washington County Family and Children First implements the evidence-based National Wraparound Model provided by a trained Wraparound facilitator.
Do you know a young person who receives help from multiple public systems, and:
has been expelled from school or is suspended often;
or has had various mental health or substance abuse treatments providers?
or has behaviors that continue to escalate?
or is experiencing repeated hospitalizations?
or needs help planning for his or her transition to adulthood?
or has a developmental delay or suspected delay?
What is High-Fidelity Wraparound?
Wraparound is a youth/family-led process that gathers all the people who work with you from different agencies like your child's school, social services, juvenile justice, mental and physical health, developmental disabilities, coaches, mentors, children's services along with you, your family and close friends or extended family members. Together—as a team—you make a plan to prioritize identified needs and help your family find stability.
What is Out of Home Placements?
There are times in the lives of youth and families when all attempts to support and wrap a family in services are not enough. A youth may need additional or more intense services found in a placement setting such as a residential treatment facility for intense mental health needs; or a treatment facility for substance abuse; or the need for an out-of-home repsite placement to provide a break for families. The goal with any placement is to support the youth and their family with the intentions of the youth returning home after a period of treatment. Each case is assessed for appropriate placement by a Family Team, with on-going review and contact with the youth in placement and the facility.
Types of placements would include; Respite, Therapuetic Foster Homes, Group Homes, Residential Facility, Hospitilization.
Do you need advice or new ideas for helping a child with these types of challenges?